Masoumeh Ezati a Umair Mohammad succeeded in a grant competition

Based on the meeting of the Grant Committee for the evaluation of inter-faculty projects of the student grant competition to support projects of specific higher education research at BUT 2024, two biomedical projects, in which FEKT participates as the principal investigator, were supported: 

Project 3D Bioprinting of Chitosan Hydrogel Scaffolds Combined with Plasma-Jet Modifications for Enhanced Wound Tissue Regeneration lead by Masoumeh Ezati implements atmospheric pressure plasma treatments at various stages of hydrogel processing and 3D bioprinting to prepare chitosan-based scaffolds for wound healing. 

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Masoumeh Ezati, leader of project 3D Bioprinting of Chitosan Hydrogel Scaffolds Combined with Plasma-Jet Modifications for Enhanced Wound Tissue Regeneration

Project Methylation detection in Aneurinibacillus bacteria genome using nanopore sequencing lead by Umair Mohammad aims to develop a robust methylation detection pipeline utilizing ONT sequencing for in-depth analysis of Aneurinibacillus sp. methylomes. It is centered on a comparative analysis of two sequencing techniques (ONT and PacBio) for methylation detection. This serves as foundational knowledge to create a new neural network aimed at enhancing the accuracy of ONT. This endeavor will provide us with novel insights into the role of methylomes in bacteria cultivated under stress conditions.

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Umair Mohammad, leader of project Methylation detection in Aneurinibacillus bacteria genome using nanopore sequencing 

Congratulations on the successful approval of the biomedical projects and best wishes on these endeavors! May the projects bring fruitful results and contribute significantly to the advancement of biomedical research.